Whisper Erb-Yag
The high-powered erbium:YAG laser produces energy in a wavelength that gently penetrates the skin, is readily absorbed by water (a major component of tissue cells), and scatters the heat effects of the laser light. These unique properties allow us to remove thin layers of skin tissue with exquisite precision while minimizing damage to surrounding skin.
Matrix Fractional CO2
The newest generation of the CO2 laser delivers short bursts of extremely high-energy laser light. This revolutionary technology actually vaporizes the undesired skin tissue, one layer at a time, revealing fresh skin underneath. The laser's highly-focused aim enables us to gently remove the skin's surface with a low risk of scarring and complications in properly selected patients.
GentleLASE Alexandrite
The GentleLASE 755 nm alexandrite laser is Candela's premier laser, treating quickly, comfortably and effectively. Candela's Dynamic Cooling Device represents an adjustable epidermal protection technology to maximize patient safety and comfort. Integrated computer controls assure consistent, reproducible protection, regardless of who is operating the laser for true treatment independence and ultimate patient safety. Watch the GentleLASE in action.
These lasers treat the following:
Erase fine lines and wrinkles of the face
Smooth and tighten eyelid skin
Improve crow's feet around the eyes
Soften pucker marks and frown lines
Repair smoker's lines
Improve skin tone and texture